How to choose a baby stroller. What kind of baby stroller to choose

The difficulty of choosing a baby stroller lies, first of all, that it should be convenient for both the child and his parents. That is, the product should combine strength and lightness, stability and reliability, suitability for transportation, not to mention an attractive design.

To the honor of manufacturers, they offer a wide range of products, which, however, can be combined into three large main groups: strollers, strollers with a basket, stroller without a basket. To choose the right baby stroller, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of representatives of each group.

Walking strollers are a light and small product that folds well and facilitates transportation and storage. In addition to these advantages, such strollers are low that allows them to be used as a kind of simulator that can be used to teach the child to walk. At the same time, such products are somewhat expensive. They are suitable for a child who has learned to sit confidently, do not provide reliable protection against bad weather. Almost unsuitable for use in the winter season. In such strollers, the child is uncomfortable to sleep due to specific dimensions of the stroller.

A stroller with a basket is a relatively high stroller with a removable basket, as well as providing the possibility of transporting a child in a sitting position. By determining what kind of baby stroller to choose, it should be noted that these products have a relatively large weight, practically do not add up and are inconvenient in transportation.

They are mainly used to transport children who still do not know how to sit on their own. On the one hand, such high strollers are convenient in that the basket is high above the ground, which significantly reduces dust and provides a certain convenience for caring for the child. But, on the other hand, they are less stable, especially after removing the basket, and it is more difficult to move them from / to the apartment for walks.

Hinged parts provide reliable protection of the child from adverse weather conditions, strollers have high patency, they can be used for walking with children of different ages. But the mobility of such strollers leaves much to be desired. Strollers without a basket equipped with a soft mattress, deprived of these shortcomings, are lighter and mobile.

The design of the stroller allows you to change the position of the handle, and the child can be both in the direction of the stroller and against, facing parents. Despite certain constructive differences, all products can be used quite successfully if you take into account some details before choosing a baby stroller. Firstly, you need to pay attention to the size of the wheel.

Large wheels weight the structure, but increase patency. Secondly, of the two types of attachment of the seat frame to the wheels-on belts and on springs-you should choose the second option, since the belts are low-earned and often torn. Thirdly, one of the basic requirements for the design of the stroller is its stability at different positions of the seat back. Fourthly, pay attention to the quality of the hood and the apron.

Their purpose consists in ensuring the protection of the child from bad weather, so look at how and how much the hood opens, and how reliably the baby will protect the child. As practice has shown, the coloring of the stroller is not crucial, so the choice is yours.