Railway construction in Russia

The construction of Russian railways began in the nineteenth century. Before its beginning, the Office of Water and Militias and the Military Institute of the Route Corps, who are training specialists in the training and operation of roads, were created. At first, society did not support the idea of ​​building railways in Russia, but it was still realized in 1837, when the first branch was built from Tsarskoye Selo-St. Petersburg.

In the middle of the 19th century, railway troops began to form in Russia and conductors, military units and telegraphic companies appeared to appear. Now with railways with a total length of about 86.151 thousand kilometers is the Russian Railways OJSC is in charge of. More than 500 railway stations were built in Russia. Linear character is a feature of the construction of railways in Russia. This is the phenomenon of the construction of the railway from the beginning to the end. Construction work depends on the climate, relief and natural conditions of the area through which the railway passes.

The creation of Russian railways is divided into two main stages, which include earthwork to create a embankment and laying the railway. At the first stage, the railroad track is prepared and work is carried out to protect it from freezing and drainage of swamps. The second stage is the formation of the embankment under the rails, their laying, fixing and connecting the rails among themselves. Railway crossings are created at the intersection of the canvas with roads. The creation of a canvas from the ground is a very important stage in the construction of railways, since it will depend on its correct creation whether the railway will be safe. Before preparing the canvas, the soil is first dried and groundwater is diverted, then the soil is aligned and compacted. These actions perform rollers, bulldozers, tamping and vibro -shut -off machines. Then you can start traveling work, the time of which the rails are laid using a traveler. Only when the road is rolled up by trains and finally gets off, it is ready for use.