Metal processing: welding, turning and milling work

According to experts, the perfect seam when connecting two metal surfaces is possible only when using argon welding. It is the argon that protects the welding arc from penetration during the welding of the air flow, thereby guaranteeing the uniform formation of the weld. This technology allows you to cook a variety of metals. There is a welding of bronze argon, welding of combined metals and their alloys, welding of aluminum surfaces and welding of cast iron.

Excluding spraying the processed metal, argon welding provides reduced discharge of smoke, minimizes the release of toxic substances. Thermal and light radiation is also minimal. Argon welding of cast iron is used by automatic and service enterprises that use it to repair collectors and parts of engines, radiators and other units.

Builders adopted the possibility of argon welding of aluminum and steel surfaces. With the help of argon welding technique, they repair and fix staircase railing and fences. At industrial enterprises, argon welding is used to install boilers and furnaces. In the car repair shops, trails of automobile engines, cast discs, etc. are repaired with its help.

Metal processing also implies turning work. Today, metal turner services are highly in demand among representatives of various fields of industry and national economy. In the process of their provision, special cutting tools are used. Typical details that are pulled out on turning machines: flanges, ramparts and bushings, discs and glasses. The diameter and option of execution of each of them may vary and vary depending on the requirements of the customer.

The company “CTFR St. Petersburg” offers turning work of St. Petersburg at reasonable prices with a guarantee of a quality result. In the package of the services of the enterprise, in addition to turning work, milling and dolbyans, as well as welding services. There are several options for milling cutters, conditionally divided into two main categories, single -toothed and multi -tooth cutters: shaped, end, wn, cylindrical, disk, angular, rubble and other types.

Another method of processing metal products by cutting is Poinson Detailing. This technology implies the integrated use of two cutting processes at once and the detection of the metal surface.