DIY parquet laying: types, installation, work technology

Putting parquet with your own hand is a very troublesome and painstaking occupation. This is especially true for a small and not very flat parquet board.

The modern market offers its consumer a large selection: from a massive board to small plates.

Each end side of the plate has grooves and spikes, the so -called lock, with the help of such a feature of the plates, the parquet is fixed firmly with each other.

There are two types of locks:

• snapping

This type of lock is easy to disassemble and assemble, which contributes to more popularity among consumers. But, despite this, such a parquet board also requires special skills.

• driven

This type of castles is more complicated, so here you may need a professional skills.

Before installation work, the parquet board is unpacked and checked for quality. After checking it, it is necessary to leave it for several days in the room where installation work will be carried out.

These measures are carried out so that the parquet is used to the temperature and humidity of the room in a few days.

The following materials and tools will be needed for laying a parquet with your own hands:

• finishing bar;

• square;

• plumb line;

• meter;

• sharp knife;

• wedges;

• Hammer;

• Pencil;

• clamps;

• drill with cutting nozzle;

• Glue.

DIY Parquet Technological process:

• the floor surface where the parquet board will be laid should be well prepared: even, dry, clean and solid. Only under such conditions can the substrate be laid.

• Parquet begins to be laid from the farthest left corner, so that the direction of the spread of light around the room coincides. Observing this moment, a person will make the joints of the board less noticeable.

• After the first board, the castle on yourself in the far left corner, you need to carefully knock it out to the wall, having previously installed between the wall and the clinic plate. These wedges will be removed at the end of all installation works.

• The next board is attached to this plate with the groove and so you need to do it to the opposite angle. The last panel must be adjusted by size, cutting it.

• The following stripes in the second row are shifted by a end seam, in relation to the previous one for uniform distribution of pressure. With this nearby and subsequent, you need to do all the work, as in the first row.

• The last row is considered the most difficult and painstaking, since it is adjusted in width and length. For this row, you can use a clamp, which is used as a snap of parquet locks in the last row.

After the completion of all installation work, the floor must be removed, and the gaps between the wall and the parquet arise with the baseboard.