Laying tiles on the wall

Independently laid tiles on the wall is quite possible for any person. In order to do this, you need to purchase materials and tools. To do this, we need an adhesive composition, a bucket to dilute it from a dry mixture, a gear spatula with small teeth, a level, a special knife for tiles, ruler, rubber spatula and pencil.

The most important thing is that the laying of the tiles becomes a simple and light process, it is necessary to create an even base under it. In addition, many experts advise wetting the tiles before laying the tiles in water and leaving for several hours, it is believed that the clutch of the tile with the base improves in this way.

The tiles can be laid in three ways – “in the dressing”, “vask” or “seam to the seam” and shifting it diagonally. The last method is the most time -consuming and requires reusable tile cutting.

The first option is the usual laying of tiles in a row one after another and from top to bottom. Laying “Drilling” is a displacement of each upper row horizontally for half a sequence, so that the middle of the tile is above the seam between the tiles of the lower row. To prepare an even base, we fasten the board or bar with self -tapping screws in the horizontal direction in the place where the first (horizontal) row of tiles will begin. This will be the base, we do the same on all walls on which you plan to put tiles. We align them with the level.

You can start laying the tile from the floor, only you need to check whether it is even. If not, then put a thin bar on the floor and align its horizontal level, laying small chips under it. Put the tiles usually start from the corner. We look at the wall carefully and mark the places where sockets, pipes pass, calculate the tile so that it is less cutting. Before you start laying tiles, it is necessary to dilute the adhesive composition.

In stores, glue is sold in the form of dry mixtures. You need to breed in small portions, as glue quickly in the air hardens. We attach a special corner to the wall of the wall itself (they are also sold in building materials stores), this will make the work less painstaking, you can not align the corners. We apply the adhesive composition to the tile, trying to do this evenly, and glue the tile to the wall (many masters-treads are smeared with glue and wall). Thus, we lay out the first row and proceed to the second.

Between all tiles we leave gaps (seams) so as not to stray, you can insert special beacons – crosses.

Carefully need to ensure that the tiles do not get down from the horizontal and, most importantly, that there are no differences (in the plane of the wall). If you notice that they have appeared, adjust this by removing or adding the adhesive composition. We lay out all the rows, not forgetting about the seams.

At the end of the laying of the tiles, gently let the laying dry, this is approximately, for a day, two. We remove all the marks and guides, after which we begin to grout the seams. A special grout, dilute with water, exactly, as it is written in the instructions and start rubbing into the seams with a rubber spatula, trying to fill evenly and to the entire depth of the seam.