Types of suspended ceilings according to the material of manufacture and fastening.

Among all varieties of stretch ceilings, two main groups can be distinguished: from welded vinyl film and seamless tissue. There is a difference in the methods of attaching them to the walls.

Polyvinyl film ceilings are made according to the size of each specific room. By the method of fastening, they are harpoon, t. To. The edges of the main panel are treated with a special film called “harpoon”. During installation, the air in the room is heated to 70 ° C. The stretch of the stretch ceiling is stretched, the harpoon with special shoulder blades is started in a pre -mounted decorative baguette. The film softened at high temperatures is very plastic, and after cooling is reduced and pulled into a perfectly flat surface. The advantage of such a ceiling that it is reusable, t. e. It can be moved. The disadvantage can be considered seams from welding of individual pieces of polymer material.

Another type is a seamless stretch ceiling. It is made from a single piece of fabric saturated with polymer. Without heating the air in the room, the panel is pulled and fixed in the profile with special wedges. Such stretch ceilings are cheaper and easier to mount, but they are, in fact, disposable. If there is a leak of water, then they will have to be completely replaced.