Feng Shui bedroom – Harmony of sleep

Feng Shui bedroom – Harmony of sleep

Since ancient times, the bedroom has been considered a quiet harbor of calm and peace, which gives the tired organism renewal and freshness. Having furnished it in accordance with the principles of Taoist practice of Feng Shui, you can enrich the energy of the room and correctly direct the flows of positive energy. Symbols of five animals will help you with this: snakes, tiger, dragon, turtles and phoenix. A wise snake in Feng Shui practice personifies the owner, that is, you. The most favorable location is in the center of the bedroom, it is there that the bed should be put. The remaining four symbols are designed to protect the owner, but do not interpret them literally, buying up figures of tigers and turtles. For example, a bedside table or a small table to the right of the bed symbolize a tiger stolen on the ground and preventing the danger. Place high racks to the left of the bed – a symbol of a dragon soaring in heaven. Place the image of the Phoenix in the head of the bed – it can be a small figure of any bird. He always flies in front of the owner, exploring the territory for dangers and traps. The turtle is the head of the bed, closely pulled to the wall and forms the “shell”. She reliably protects the owner from external threats, providing a reliable rear

Feng Shui bedroom – Harmony of sleep

The whole family. In addition to five animals, Feng Shui bedroom involves constant ventilation. If possible, do not close the window during sleep – fresh air should constantly penetrate the room. But do not put the bed next to the windows: flows of energy constantly go through them, and it is undesirable to be in their way. The same principle extends to the door to the bedroom, the bed should not stand opposite it, but at the same time keep the entrance in the visibility zone. Make sure that there is always cleanliness under the bed: dust and garbage negatively affect the aura of the room. Feng Shui is the art of building space around him, creating harmony and peace in the house. Having mastered it, you will create a unique energy that will protect you and your loved ones from all adversity.