With your own hands insulation – what materials to use

The loggia for many today is not just a place to store unnecessary things, as it was said in the 90s. Small, but cozy and warm rooms are made from loggias. Some unite loggias and rooms, thereby increasing the space. But, before performing such transformations, it is necessary not only to obtain the necessary permits, but also to take care of the insulation of the loggia so that heat does not leave the room through it.

So, insulation of the loggia or balcony is made up of several components. First we need to glaze a loggia if it is not yet glazed. The choice of high -quality frame is important. Recently, plastic frames have gained wide popularity, which not only have a beautiful aesthetic look, but also hold warmth well. We advise you to take plastic frames with swing windows, but not with sliding.

Next, warm the walls of the loggia and be sure to the floor. There are many materials for insulation, each of them is good in its own way. The requirements for the materials are applied as follows: it should be easy, so as not to increase the load, have low thermal conductivity, good moisture resistance and air permeability.

Insulation of the loggia with polystyrene

One of the oldest and at the same time popular materials is foam. It is used to warm the walls and floor of the loggia and any other rooms. The minus of the foam is that it is fragile. Today, polystyrene foam came to the place of polystyrene, which is not so fragile and has the same qualities as polystyrene. For insulation, you can use sheets up to 4 cm thick. Its minus is that it is unstable to the effects of ultraviolet rays. The insulation of the loggia with polystyrene or polystyrene will allow this inexpensive and one of the qualitative methods of insulation

Insulation of the loggia mineral wool

Mineral wool is the same popular material for insulation as polystyrene. It does not burn, very easy to install. Produced in the form of a roll or tiles. But, despite all its positive properties, there are shortcomings. For example, Minvata is not able to collect heat or badly, which is not very good in the conditions of temperature difference.

Insulation of sandwich panels

Nowadays, plastic and sandwich panels for trim and loggias are very popular. Construction companies offer full finishing of the balcony with plastic panels or sandwich panels, installation of plastic frames and insulation. Such a service is not cheap, but the effect of it is impressive.