Residential Properties
Selling a summer cottage in the fall is not an easy task if you want to accomplish a truly profitable deal and do not cheat. Why? The answer is simple: the end of the summer season automatically determines the fall in demand for sites. However, this task is quite feasible, it is necessary to properly prepare for the procedure and then you have every chance of making such a deal. Do not forget that suburban real estate always has demand and you can find a buyer on any object.
What needs to be done first, in order to attract a potential buyer?
First you need to objectively assess the cost of a summer cottage as objectively as possible. It is worth relying on the very common opinion of most customers that the country area in principle cannot be expensive. It is definitely worthwhile to overestimate the price – even the most “liquid” summer cottages, the cost of which does not exceed 1.5 million. rubles, it is difficult to sell in the autumn period.
An important stage for the preparation of a summer cottage for sale is to give it the so -called “product”. To do this, it is necessary to put the basic order in the house, save it from unnecessary furniture and other items filling the space. If there are opportunities and time, then you can make a light cosmetic repairs, through which you can refresh the appearance of window frames, floor doors and walls. It is also good to repair the wiring if there is a direct need for this. Separately, it is worth saying about the roof, if it flows, then you can use the simplest and most inexpensive way of repairing walls – pour bats with bitumen.
But you should not limit yourself to restoring order in the house, of course it has a considerable part of the attention of a potential buyer. It is also worth paying attention to the state of the land itself. Make sure that there is no excessive debris on the site, as this is also able to make a common view of the cottage not particularly presentable. Be sure to make sure that there are all the necessary documents for the site sold. By the time the potential buyer arrives, they must all be available so that there are no problems in the execution of the procedure and selling a summer cottage.
Finally, be attentive to the potential buyer of the cottage at the time of his direct arrival to inspect the subsistence site sold. Meet it at the entrance to the territory of the country village, show him the most convenient way to the country, tell us about all the advantages of the soil in your summer cottage, about the features of plant varieties that you have grown in order for the buyer to clearly imagine what exactly he is going to purchase.