Insulation of a timber house from the outside with a strip packet

If you built a block house by using moss as a heater, then you must have faced the following problem: in the spring of the bird, moss moss on the nests and gaps appeared in the ranks.

Insulation of a shirt house outside: choice of material and work course

Because of this, you had to warm the house again, in order to avoid the house to be cold. I bring to your attention an article on how to insulate a house with a strip packet.

Now the assortment has various types of insulation, but still preference should be given to Packle, because it is, firstly, environmentally friendly, secondly, economically.


– So, for insulation of the house you will need a strip bag and spatulas. It will be necessary to putty each row, finding and clogging the holes of Pacley.

– Where moss is generally not for convenience, you can take a long strip of packs and starting from one end, gradually score it into the gap.

– You should not take too much pacli first, because it will stir ugly, and secondly, because birds will be able to pull it out again.

Working moments to pay attention to when warming a timber house from the outside

– Well, still sticking Packla can prevent you from further insulation of the house, or lining it with lining.

– The spatula should be checked by the presence of voids and holes, poking it in suspicious places where the moss is either not visible at all, or very few.

– An important point is also checked for the presence of suture insulation connecting two timber, their connection places.

– But they cannot be beaten up too much pacli in them, since in the future this can interfere with the natural settlement of the house.

– The door and window openings should be paid to separate attention, because they have the largest holes in them. But it is advisable to insulate them with mounting foam.