Repair in Moscow – we make a turnkey bathroom

Turnkey bathroom: price (Moscow offers comfortable conditions) repair will please you!

Capital repair work in the toilet and bathroom

Often, repair work in the bathroom becomes one of the most costly, difficult and long -term actions. But the most difficult thing is not even the repair itself, but what living conditions appear at the owners of the room while it is coming. Live virtually without water and without the opportunity to take a full -fledged shower – not everyone can do it.

The construction company provides the following basic set of repair services to hand over a turnkey bathroom in a short time:

installation of plumbing and bringing the relevant communications to it;

tile tile laying;

installation of suspended rack ceilings that are ideal for rooms with high humidity and sharp temperature changes;

transfer of luminous devices and sockets.

Now let’s calculate how much a full -fledged turnkey bathroom will cost. Price (Moscow offers the best cost) is about 40,000 rubles.

The complex of works for this cost includes:

dismantling of existing plumbing devices;

dismantling of obsolete finishing materials from the walls and ceilings;

replacing old pipes with new and their breeding;

installation of plumbing;

Finishing (black and finished).

Renovation of apartments in Moscow – high quality at a decent price

Repair in the best traditions – which is included in the complex of repair work on European standards?

Renovation provides for the use of building and finishing materials, furniture, which meets certain European quality standards. The same applies to the repair of the repair work.

Want to know how much renovation of apartments costs in Moscow? I’ll make a reservation in advance that the cost of this type of action is quite high compared to others, since European repair provides for the involvement of a highly qualified designer developing an interior design plan, as well as a highly professional selection of finishing and other materials for the implementation of the project. In addition, the final cost of European repair depends on the list of services that you are interested in.

What are the time of the working turnkey repair?

I know how important it is to make repairs not only of high quality, but also quickly. That is why construction companies with a good reputation are able to make full intensive European-renovation of 100 square meters of premises in just a few months (to be more precise, 3-4 months). It should be noted that it is impossible to do European repair on its own – an unskilled person does not have the necessary equipment and skills that have been developed over the years.

Anatoly Yakovlev