How to choose a good vacuum cleaner for a house with aquafilter

When buying a vacuum cleaner, you need to pay attention not only to its appearance, but first of all to take into account the operational characteristics that play a decisive role in choosing the right model. First decide what you want to choose a vacuum cleaner for your home – washing or for dry cleaning.

Units designed for dry cleaning of the premises are cheap enough, as the most common. The operation of such models is simple – since childhood we are used to such vacuum cleaners. The choice of models of this series is wide and diverse, the compactness of the vacuum cleaner and its weight are constantly attracted by customers.

Detting vacuums are much more complicated. Several purification steps, automated water supply and its reverse supply to the tank for dirty water – all this makes detergent vacuum cleaners more expensive in price, but much more convenient to operate.

The lack of such vacuum cleaners is that not all surfaces can be cleaned with water. So, parquet, carpet or natural woolen carpets are not recommended to be cleaned with such a vacuum cleaner, since the purified surface manages to be saturated with water, and this is fraught with negative consequences. Parquet can be tag when drying, cracks may appear on its surface, and carpeting coatings can make an unpleasant odor in a few days, which will indicate the development of mold or fungal bacteria.

Therefore, in order to choose the right vacuum cleaner, decide for what purposes you need it, what surfaces you will treat most often and t. D. If your home is dominated by tiles or floor ceramic tiles, latex flooring, then the use of a detergent vacuum cleaner will be appropriate. Wooden floors, ordinary (non -washable) wallpaper and carpet coatings on the floor suggest dry surface cleaning.

But the use of a detergent vacuum cleaner also implies the possibility of dry cleaning, therefore, solving the problem of how to choose a good vacuum cleaner and what it should be, you can still give preference to detergent models of vacuum cleaners, and the choice will only be based on your financial capabilities.

The advantages of detergents are flooring, the ability to collect spilled fluid, wet cleaning of carpet -based carpets, dry cleaning of the premises, deodorization of the room. Also, using a detergent vacuum cleaner, you can clean the sink in the kitchen or bath, wash the doors or windows. But with all the advantages, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages. Quite large weight and the dimensions of the vacuum cleaner make its operation a little difficult.

To use such a vacuum cleaner, special detergents and cleaning products are needed, which are not completely absorbed in the process of cleaning – up to 60 % remains on the cleaned surface. The relatively high cost and increased electricity consumption can also be attributed to the disadvantages of such models.

You can choose a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter. What are the advantages of such a model? Very often, along with the usual water filter, a molecular separator is installed on such models, which allows cleaning not only the required surfaces, but also air, while aromatizing and moistening it.

Since multi -stage cleaning is not used in such models, they will cost much cheaper. Vacuum cleaners with a built -in aquafilter purify the air and remove dust ticks, formaldehydes, mold fungi, staphylococci and other harmful impurities in size up to one micron.

Having read with currently existing vacuum cleaners models, you know how to choose a vacuum cleaner that will satisfy not only all your requirements, but also your capabilities.