Radiators for heating for any choice

With the onset of cold weather, many are thinking about replacing old radiators, because their role in the heating of the premises is simply invaluable. However, now many pay attention not only to the heater itself, but also to its appearance. At the Santan plumbing store. . UA you can choose a radiator that will satisfy all your requests, and the price and our service will pleasantly surprise you.

Before buying radiators, it is important to immediately think about where they will be installed, what configuration you may need and only then select a model that can satisfy your requests. The price of the radiator primarily depends on which material it is made of, and its size and maximum heat transfer are taken into account. Bimetallic radiators are considered the most expensive, but cast -iron and aluminum radiators are also sold. Everyone has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will tell you briefly about them.

Many consider cast iron radiators a relic of the past, but this is far from the case. Such radiators can serve you for a very long time, the service life is up to 50 years, they do not corrode and you can safely dry your clothes on them if there is a need for this. However, such batteries are very heavy and their maximum heat transfer is significantly lower than their more advanced counterparts.

Aluminum radiators are much lighter and heat transfer is up to 4 times higher, but such radiators deteriorate quite quickly, and they can serve you for about 15-20 years. However, the price of them is much lower. Bimetallic radiators are essentially the same aluminum, but water circulates in them through metal tubes. There are models in which such pipes are made of copper, which does not corrode, but the cost of such radiators is quite high.

Now buy radiators in Ukraine is a fairly simple thing, but it is worth attentive to the seller’s choice so as not to stumble upon scammers who are ready to sell you poor -quality goods for a lot of money. Our Santan online store has been working in the sales market for more than 15 years, we have earned the trust of many thousands of customers, so you can be sure of our product, and our prices will pleasantly surprise you. View our online catalog, and you will definitely find exactly what will satisfy all your requests, because we have a very rich assortment from the best manufacturers, and qualified managers will always help to decide on the choice.