Bath construction in the country

The main place of rest and relaxation in the country is a bathhouse. And if you still do not have it, then it is time to engage in construction. And everything should begin with the project. And even if you do not have the skills of an architect, to sketch the mock of the bath for almost everyone. But as soon as your plan is on paper, there will be a lot of questions on the construction, which did not even have to think about.

We will touch on what includes the main stages of construction.

The location of the bath in the summer cottage will help to determine its size. But you can place it not everywhere. Following the charter of the partnership of summer residents, the bath can be located only at the end of the site, from the opposite side of the house. She must meet the rules of fire safety. There are other nuances prescribed in regulatory documents.

It is also important that it is necessary to build a bathhouse in the place where it will be easy for you to organize a hole for drainage, because the country array does not provide for a centralized sewage. This is one of the main points at the design stage, which means that it is necessary to take it with all seriousness.

When you decide on the location of the bathhouse, you have to think about its size. Usually this is a medium -sized structure, which includes a dressing room, steam room and a place to relax. If desired, in the bath you can also place locker rooms, a massage room and a pool. But usually the bath is designed with a capacity for 3-5 people.

The owners prefer to build a bath in the country on their own. And here are the reasons:

1. I would like to feel the whole difficulty of erecting a place in which you will then rest and relax.

2. The construction of the bath with your own hands is several times cheaper than using a team of hired workers.

3. You can gradually invest money in construction, and not get into debts, having spent a large amount on materials and remuneration of labor on the hired brigade at a time.

Building a bath in the country begins with the foundation. Then the roof is built and its overlap. Pay your special attention to these two moments. Well, in general, do not reflect for a long time, stop the realization of your dream – creating this wonderful place in which you can have a great rest and relax after the efforts spent.